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Drag The Appropriate Labels To Their Respective Targets

Which one of the above assertions is true regarding the limited utility of the Friedel-Crafts reaction? A. It is more potent than the base material, leading to uncontrolled polyalkylation. B. Other reactions can result from carbocation rearrangements. For example, C. The Friedel-Crafts Alkylation reaction is only possible in the presence of meta-directing electrons withdrawing substituents that are attached to the benzene rings. D. The reaction reactivity of the haloalkane grows directly in line with the polarity of the C-X bond, in the order C.F. > C.Cl. > C-Br > CI E. Haloalkenes as well as haloalkanes can’t undergo reaction with benzene ring because the resulting vinyl cations and aryl-cations are not accessible to energy.

Which Of The Following Statements About Receptor Potentials Is False?

The potential for a receptor can trigger a release of neurotransmitters in one cell to be released to another cell, which will trigger an action potential within that second cell. The intensity of the possibility of the receptor determines the frequency at which the action potentials are generated and is controlled through adaptation of the strength of the stimulus and the temporal summation of subsequent receptor potentials. Receptor potential depends on receptor sensitivity, which may change slow, leading to slow decay of the potential for the receptor or quickly and resulting in a rapidly generated but shorter-lasting receptor.

A good instance of potential for a receptor is in taste buds, where taste is converted to an electric signal sent into the brain. If stimulated, the buds trigger the release of neurotransmitters via exocytosis of synaptic vesicles that are released from the presynaptic cell membrane. Neurotransmitter molecules travel through the synaptic cleft and eventually reach the postsynaptic membrane on the primary sensory nerve, triggering an action potential.

Which Of The Following Statements About Taxes Is False?

The filing of a fraudulent tax return is classified as a false report to the IRS and can lead to civil or criminal sanctions. Penalties for civil violations are much more frequent because the government must bear a smaller burden of proof and allocate lesser resources to investigate.

There are various penalties based on accuracy for not declaring your earnings. In other words, failure to attempt reasonably to meet tax regulations – and significant understatement of profits is the most frequent, which carries the penalty that is 20 percent of the amount of tax not paid.

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