The twitching of the eyes is commonplace and could be due to several causes, like eye strain, irritation, or a lack of sleep. The persistent and prolonged spasms could be an indication of different conditions.
A contraction or twitch of the eyelid is an involuntary and repetitive muscle spasm in the eyelid muscles.
The eyelids tend to twitch with unpredictable intervals that last between minutes and a couple of an hour. Persistent cramps can be present for several days or even weeks.
Most twitches do not cause pain, are non-invasive, and resolve themselves without treatment.
Sometimes eyelid spasms could be a sign of a persistent motion disorder, particularly if these spasms occur in conjunction with others’ facial movements or uncontrollable movement.
Eye Twitching Causes
Eye muscle spasms for the entire every day. It could last for a few days, weeks, or months. They may cause you to lose focus and impact your quality of life.
If the cramp you feel isn’t going out, you can wink or blink constantly and experience difficulties seeing.
Consult your physician If:
- The cramp can last for longer than a week
- The eyelid is closed completely
- Other facial muscles are affected as well.
- Eye redness, eye swelling, redness, or discharge
- Your eyelids are drooping upwards.
- If your physician suspects you have a nerve or brain problem, They’ll look for other typical signs that indicate the problem. The doctor may recommend seeing an expert, such as a neurologist.
Why do eyes twitch?

An eyelid issue that is commonly attributed to blinking is called Ocular myokymia. It is a benign condition and will not cause any other issues. Ocular myokymia may be the result of being exhausted or having a high dose of caffeine, or being stressed. The main reason for persistent blinking eyes is known as benign essential Blepharospasm. This happens when both eyes are closed or move simultaneously. Scientists aren’t certain of the exact cause that is causing it. However, it could cause issues with the muscles around your eyes. The researchers also suspect that problems in the basal ganglia (a component of the brain) could be a factor. Certain genes could cause eye twitching in certain people as well.
A few times, another issue with the nervous system or brain could cause eye twitching. The causes are:
- Parkinson disease
- Damage to the brain due to inflammation or stroke. This will likely happen with the thalamus, basal Ganglia, and the brain stem.
- Inflammation to some medication for mental health
- Meige syndrome. This is a neurological movement disorder.
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Hemifacial spasm
- Bell palsy
- They usually present with additional symptoms, too.
Eye Twitching Signs
The muscles of the eyelid can cause twitching or even intermittent blinking. A slight blinking of the eyelid could be more prominent than it could be. Observers will not be able to detect a twitchy eyelid in someone else.
For more serious cases, the twitching may cause a forceful closure of the eyelids lasting for a few seconds, minutes, or even hours. The symptoms may become more obvious as time passes.
Different types of eye Twitches
Three types are common of eye movements.
Minor eyelid movements are signs of daily routine, such as stress, fatigue, or caffeine. It could also be due to the skin of your eyes (cornea) and the skin that lines your eyes (conjunctiva) have become irritated.
Benign essential Blepharospasm generally manifests between mid and the end of adulthood, and it is more severe as time passes. About 2,000 individuals are diagnosed with the condition in the United States each year. Females have twice the chance to be diagnosed as males. This isn’t an issue that’s serious in the slightest, but severe conditions can disrupt your everyday activities.
It begins with continuous blinking or irritation to the eyes. When it becomes more severe, it could cause you to become more sensitive to light, have blurred vision, and experience facial spasms. These spasms could get so bad that the eyelids remain closed for hours.
Researchers believe that certain things in your genes and everywhere surrounding you can cause it.
Hemifacial spasms are even less common. It is caused by the muscles that surround your mouth and the eyelid. In contrast to the other more common types, this type typically only affects one face side. The reason is that an artery presses onto the facial nerve.
What is the treatment for eye twitching?
You won’t need a procedure if you don’t suffer many symptoms due to eyes that twitch. Reducing your sleep and your intake of caffeine could alleviate your symptoms.
If the eye twitches and creates problems, your healthcare physician may recommend a botulinum injection to the eyelid muscles. The injection could paralyze the muscle contracted.
Your doctor may suggest you test a drug for treating eye twitching. These medications can ease symptoms but only for a shorter term. They aren’t able to help all patients.
If you notice your eye twitching persistently, you could require surgery known as myomectomy. Medical professionals perform the procedure to remove the nerves and muscles of the eyelids. The procedure stops the symptoms for several individuals.
The doctor must address other underlying diseases that may cause your eyes to twitch. One example of this is Parkinson’s disease.
What is the best time to visit a physician regarding my eye movement?
It’s generally a good option to seek assistance if you are experiencing the following:
- Twitching that goes on for several days.
- Twitches on other areas of your body or face.
- The eyelid may droop, or the eyes may be weak. Double vision.
- The increased sensitivity to light.
- Eyes red.
- Eyelid inflammation.
- Remove the eye from your sight.
- Lightheadedness.
- Loss of vision or blurred vision either in both eyes or one.
Various reasons can trigger eyelid movements, but they’re usually not reasons to be concerned about.
If your eyelids contract continuously and won’t stop, seek out a medical professional. It could be an indication of the presence of a serious illness.
The treatment, strategies for prevention, and outlook for each person differ from to individual. However, twitching due to anxiety, sleep deprivation, and other factors of daily life are the most likely to cause problems.
A frequently asked question
My eyelid keeps blinking.
Eyelid twitching can be commonplace but isn’t usually a reason to be concerned.
The most common causes for eyelids twitching are:
- Tiredness or sleep deprivation
- Stress or anxiety
- exercise
- caffeine, tobacco, or alcohol consumption
- If the eyelid has been twitching for over a week or is associated with other signs, consult an eye physician. It could be an indication of an underlying problem.