William Tunstall Pedoe discovered Sunday, April 11, 1954, to be the most boring day in recorded history. It was an eventless Sunday. No wars, no battles, and not one government fell. Politics were not yet a reality show back then. No one was screaming for media attention.
2.5 billion people went about their day. Belgium hosted an election that needed to be remembered. Abdullah Abadar (Turkish Scholar) was born. And Jack Shufflebotham — a retired soccer defensive player — died. That was all. The entire Sunday of 1954 saw the election, one Scholar, and one soccer player pass. More occurred during the lockdown in March than on April 11, 1954.
Someone had to get married, be buried, and come back to life on Sunday. There were many babies born. Older adults died. Yet, nobody ever really moved on to change the world.
April 11, 1954, was the Most Boring Day in History
“It dawned on us that every day in the history of humanity is essential. Some days are pretty eventful, others less so. These events can be objectively rated for their importance.
“For entertainment, we wrote and started the program. The contest’s winner (or maybe loser) was on April 11, 1954. This day falls on a Sunday in the 1950s. That day was not a significant one. Additionally, there were no major events. Although a typical day in the 20th Century has many notable births, Abdullah Atalar (a Turkish academic) was the only one to claim that claim.
Looking for the most boring date of the Century
William Tunstall Pedoe used the search engine to track down the day that was not relevant. The computer provided him with a date: April 11, 1954.
It is almost impossible to find exciting news when you dive into the newspaper of the time. The Telegraph reports via The Atlantic that a general election in Belgium was held that day. A Turkish academic named Abdullah Atalar was also born. Jack Shufflebotham, an Oldham Athletic player, died. Apart from that, there was not much.”
Yes, it is. It seemed a dull day except for Abdullah Atalar (a Turkish academic), who was sure that he would be very entertained on April 11 after all the effort to come into the world.
It’s one way I can see it.

Actual Knowledge could reach this conclusion because many dates were included in its facts database. Additionally, True Knowledge is able “to understand the importance of the entities that exist in the world that can easily be calculated as a number,” such as events beginning or ending, births, death, the founding of companies, publication release, etc.
That’s some brilliant stuff.
I’m tempted to ask the natural search engine to find me a most uneventful press release from modern history or in the last few hours.