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what is the supreme law of the land

    The year before, Charles Curtis, with the help of Ferris Greenslet, gave us The Cogitator as a Practical Guide. Mr. Curtis’s latest book about the Supreme Court, Lions Under the Throne (Houghton Mifflin, $3.50), could be considered an endorsement of the practical use of the Cogitator. It’s a wise and witty book with the warm light of literary and philosophical thought. Mr. Curtis’s unique characteristic is his urbanity. He is in tune with the intellectual frenzies of the Western world and is neither a cynic nor a Utopian. He explores with a sense of goodwill the things he admires, and he warns against deviations from the ideal in a gentle way.

    In this manner, he writes about his experience with the Supreme Court. There is a touch of the passion and enthusiasm of a lover in his sentiment toward the Court. But it’s not the possessive, opportunistic love that praises this Court whenever it has to one’s tune but denigrates it, as many of us currently do in the case of new songs. For sure, the gentleman. Curtis finds the present music to be pretty harmonious, despite disagreement here and there.

    What’s what is the Supreme Law of the Land?

    This power is in addition to any other part of government and decides how much power they are granted.

    It’s usually an explanation of the fundamental character of a nation. It includes elements of the nation designed to last for a long time, like the type of government, the rights of citizens, and the governing process.

    A plan will ensure that the identity and spirit of a nation are preserved in the future.

    The Supremacy Clause

    What is the actual place where this law is made law? It’s located in Clause 2 of Article VI of the United States Constitution. The most common name for this clause is “The Supremacy Clause,” the only instance where this phrase was employed throughout the Constitution. It states the Federal government has supremacy over state laws which means that the state judges must adhere to the law. This is the case even in cases of conflict with state laws.

    The supremacy Clause was enacted to control any legal disputes, i.e., the sharing of authority between federal and state law. However, neither the states nor the federal government can decide what they will do and are bound by the Constitution. However, states’ laws still hold a bargain. If they comply with national laws, they can authorize laws regarding education, healthcare, and taxes, as the federal government does.

    The relationship between federal authorities as well as the states was evident earlier. But, as of the 1860s and during the American Civil War, the distinct and concurrent power of the federal and state began to overlap. Today, the issue regarding federalism and the United States is the source of many debates and difficulties. For instance, the control of education and healthcare is among those hot topics.

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