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how many letters are in the alphabet

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    There are letters in the alphabet

    There are 26 letters in the alphabet

    The Alphabet

    There are 26 letters in the alphabet.

    The Numbers

    The alphabet has 26 letters.

    The Syllables

    There are 26 letters in the alphabet.

    The Words

    There are 26 letters in the alphabet.

    Each letter has two pronunciations.

    The 26 letters of the alphabet are pronounced as follows:

    a – ah \ 

     e – eh \ 

     i – ee \ 

     o – oh \ 

     u – oo \ 

     y – yah

    There are three vowels in the alphabet: a, e, i

    There are twenty-six consonants in the alphabet: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, you, v, w, x, y, z

     There are nine vowels in the alphabet that are not a part of the English language: æ (an as in dad), ø (ou as in how), å (ah as in hah), ǵ (y as in yes), é (eh as in key), è (aysh as in say), æt (aitch as in bike)

     There are symbols for specific letters, such as an apostrophe for ‘A’ and a caret for ‘^’.

    There are six consonants in the alphabet: b, d, f, g, j, k

    There are 26 letters in the alphabet.

    The letters can be combined to create words.

    A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, YOU, V

    W, X, Y and Z

    There are vowel sounds in English

    There are 26 letters in the English alphabet.

    The alphabet can be rearranged to make new words.

    The alphabet can be rearranged to make new words. For example, the letter “h” can be rearranged to make the word “help.”

    There is no ‘O’

    There are 26 letters in the alphabet.

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