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how to pin a comment on instagram

    Did you have a wildly famous Instagram post? It isn’t easy to track the responses. Take advantage of all good ones, but you also want to see negative ones. The good news is that Instagram lets you comment on a pin, putting it ahead of all other comments.

    Pining a comment allows you to select the Comment you love the best and place it on the highest of the list. Pinning high-quality comments on top keeps out trolls and negativity.

    If you’re interested in managing your social media posts more precisely, Learn how to save a comment to Instagram.

    What is a pinned comment on Instagram?

    When you pin a post, it is the very initial Comment to the post. This can be a great way to draw people’s attention to something they may not have noticed or even to address many questions posted in the comments.

    Pinned comments are an excellent method to establish relations with your fans. By engaging them and responding to their inquiries or comments, you demonstrate how much you appreciate their opinions and are willing to hear comments.

    It allows you to make sure you highlight important information or messages as well as monitor conversations. The comments are always on top of the comment section, making them readily accessible.

    For a comment to be pinnable, click the three dots in the top right-hand corner of the message you’d like to pin and click “Pin Comment.” It’s as simple as that. However, we’ll explain the procedure.

    How Do You Pin a Comment on Instagram?

    Follow these steps to pin your Comment at the top of the Instagram post:

    In the post, Tap on the Speech bubble beneath your blog post to read the comments.

    Tap on the Comment you would like to pin.

    Tap Pin (the thumbtack symbol).

    Tap Pin Comment. The Comment should be Pinned under the Comment.

    If you can alter your mind, return to the post and tap the Pin icon once more to de-pin it.

    Pin Instagram comments that have positive reviews.

    Another suggestion is to pin an additional comment on your Instagram article for owners of businesses. This can boost your brand’s reputation and increase revenue.

    A cosmetic company published a piece on lipstick. A brand fan wrote a post saying she is thrilled about the lipstick in N shade because it’s durable and vibrant. In essence, the brand responds to the post. If they save it to their IG account, more IG users will see it, and a few will be tempted to purchase the product. Since a normal user genuinely expressed his gratitude, this review increases confidence.

    How to Unpin a Comment on Instagram

    If you see more comments on your Instagram post, you could reconsider your decision and select the latest comments above the rest. It’s good to know that unpinning comments on Instagram are as easy.

    To delete a comment made on Instagram, Find the post and the Comment you want to unpin and click an option to pin it.
    There will be an Unpin message pop-up appear. Choose Unpin to affirm.

    Are you able to pin your remarks to Instagram?

    There are two restrictions to Instagram’s pin comments feature. Users aren’t able to pin comments they have made to post. This differs from other platforms offering an option to pin your comments, such as TikTok and YouTube.

    In TikTok and YouTube, Pin comments made by the video’s creator are typically an opportunity for users to communicate with or respond more directly to others or give explanations after the video has been uploaded.

    In Instagram, however, this feature was introduced to combat cyberbullying. Users are given the ability to highlight posts that were positive to counteract the negativity, which can be cultivated through the comments area. However, if you’re looking to interact via your Comment, there’s only the option of replying or removing the Comment.

    Due to this, pinning your comments to an Instagram post is less effective or serves the same benefits as it would for other platforms.

    How do I increase the number of comments on Instagram?

    Increasing engagement on a social media platform usually boils down to creating genuine, distinctive content that people love (and the ability to edit photos can’t hurt either). For more advanced aspects, it’s possible to use Instagram analytics to monitor your progress and even conduct an analysis of your competitors using accounts that are successful and similar to your own.

    For those who aren’t so technical, there are some easy tips to get feedback on your Instagram post:

    Is it possible to see if the Comment has been pinged?

    In the section for comments, posted comments appear on the top of the page and are accessible to everyone who can read the comments. The comments provide important or pertinent information for everyone to read.

    How can I pin my post on Instagram?

    If you’re experiencing difficulty pinning your Comment on Instagram, it may be because you’ve exceeded the number of pins for that post (three for live posts and Reels as well as one Pin for live posts). Also, you can’t put your Comments on an Instagram blog, so search for other comments to pin.

    Can You Pin Your Comment on Someone’s Instagram Post?

    It’s false; Instagram cannot allow users to pin their posts. Even if you attempt to pin a comment from another’s blog, you’ll not see the pin-comment option. Pinning comments from other IG users to your posts or reels is only possible. If you leave comments on another’s reel or post, You can accept the Comment as similar, reply to it, and then delete it. If you make any of these, the blog’s author will be notified of the post. Let’s look at why I cannot save my comments to Insta.

    You can pin your post or comment on your Instagram post.

    You can’t put your comments in the captions of your Instagram postings. Instead, you can use the pin comment feature to highlight posts by other Instagram users, which can help promote your posts or stimulate discussion.

    Are comments pinned or deleted?

    The account’s owner or a moderator who has been designated can remove a pin comment on Instagram. The account’s owner or a designated moderator can delete any comments made on the Instagram post, which includes pinned comments.

    How Many Comments Can I Pin on My Instagram Post?

    In the latest update, you can pin up to 3 comments to your Instagram post.

    Over to You

    There you go! This is how you can save a comment to Instagram with just a few steps. Utilizing this feature, you’ll be able to enhance your live video content to be more interactive and engaging and show thanks to your faithful followers.

    When you next publish on Instagram, mark your most popular comments and then pin them to the wall for the world to see since now you’re aware of how to pin comments on Instagram as a professional!

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