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Can you start a sentence with because?

    It’s an example of a sentence fragment because of”because. “because” being a “subordinating conjunction”–a subordinating conjunction renders the sentence it’s in incapable of standing by itself as an entire sentence. This means that even though the phrase “She told me to leave” is able to stand on its own as an entire sentence (which is the reason we call this an independent clause) however, the use of “because” bars this possibility (replacing the independent clause with dependent clause).

    To stop the habit of composing sentence fragments using “because” in this way, Writing advisors frequently advise novice writers not to start sentences by introducing “because.”

    However, there is no problem when you begin a sentence with “because.” Beginning a sentence using “because” is acceptable so long as a second clause follows the “because” clause to complete the sentence.

    What’s the reason?

    In grammar, it is classified as a conjunctive.

    It is an expression that links clauses or sentences or coordinates the phrases in a.

    Common phrases you hear frequently are and, or and, nor, however, and so on.

    There are a lot of these kinds of words as linking words. I think it is more comprehensible. They’re the glue that connects two concepts in one sentence.

    A linking or conjunction word signifies a connection. It can refer to addition, contrast and contrast, accent, or time sequence as the reason.

    Do you know how to begin your sentence with the word “because”?

    Because it happens all the time because it happens so often, let’s cut right to the short.

    You can begin your sentence with “because.”

    And…you have noticed, Didn’t you? We are starting an entire sentence using “because,” and it’s 100% accurate.

    Why? It’s because it’s used at the beginning in a subordinate clause associated with the main clause, and–

    Wait for a second! We’ve done it again in another way! Look, as you discovered, there are two acceptable ways to begin sentences by using “because.”

    Another option is to begin the sentence is with

    There’s a different time when you may begin an expression by using “because” and not follow the two-clause rule when you’re using it in conversation to answer an unspoken or spoken “why” question.

    One of the best examples of this would be the long-standing parent-child question: “Why can’t I stay out later?” “Because I said so” is an acceptable (albeit an incredibly irritable) answer.

    Some nitpickers will argue that this isn’t correct as it’s a fragment that requires an overhaul. They’re correct …technically.

    Modern writers and grammarians disagree and think it’s okay to employ it in casual writing if you’re trying to convey a conversational tone. It’s OK to use when writing dialogue.

    Look at any book, and you’ll find many questions addressed by “Because that I …” creates. It’s evident that this is one of those instances where it’s a good idea for you to defy grammar guidelines.

    Here you go, two distinct and well-known ways to use “because” to start a sentence: either as an opening to subordinate clauses that precede the following clause or as a method of responding to the “why” question.

    The old rule is that you can’t begin a sentence using “because.”

    We must first discover the context our teachers at school were getting their information. Since it’s a subordinate word, it can be used to connect an original clause with a subordinate (or dependent) clause.

    Let’s take a look at an example. For instance, let’s look at the following sentence: “Jason went for a run because he needed to get fit for football season.” The sentence is comprised of two distinct elements (or phrases):

    “Jason ran for a while.” …”: You’ll be able to identify it as the main clause because it can function as a complete sentence on its own, even when you take it out of your original sentence.

    “… as he had to be fit enough to play football” is the subordinate clause. If you attempt to isolate it, you will immediately notice that it’s a mess and isn’t logical.

    The word “because” joins the two clauses making it a complete, new sentence.

    Let’s take a closer look at both clauses if we break them up using a period: “Jason went for a run. He wanted to be fit to play football.”


    • There’s no reason to use the conjunction as a way to begin the sentence.
    • You can use one or more of these. However, it would help if you took note of the little dangers they can cause.
    • If you keep a close eye on and ensure your sentences are correct and make sense, You’ll be fine.

    However, with the word “because,” ensure you’ve followed it using a verb and subject. If not, you can use an apostrophe to connect it to the main clause.

    Since you’re determined to write professionally, I’m sure you’ll be scrutinizing your writing right now.

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