Large countries like the United States have a diverse climate due to the various geographical areas it is located in. Florida is a tropical area, and Alaska has a subarctic climate. Arizona is a semi-arid region, and the mountains in Colorado feature alpine conditions. It’s not unusual to see desert areas in one area and snow-capped mountains in the other all over the United States. It’s a result of some stunning cold regions within the United States that you might consider exploring. Are you curious to know what the 10 most frigid U.S. states are? We’ll find out!
Alaska – 28.1degF
Unsurprisingly, Alaska performs better than other U.S. states in cold winter weather. The state is situated in North America’s most northwestern region, Alaska, more than any other state of the Union, enjoys the advantage that it is close to the North Pole. Its winters in Alaska are long, frigid, snowy, and cloudy. The summers are generally cold and gray. The summer is hot and lasts for 3.7 months, with average temperatures for highs of 67 degF and lower temperatures of 55degF. July is the summer’s most hot month in Alaska. The colder season lasts for 4.0 months, with a typical low of 13 degrees and a peak temperature of 24degF. January is the coldest month of the year. Month.
The weather conditions that cause severe storms in Alaska depend on ocean currents. The western part of Alaska is affected by the Alaska Current, while the state’s Arctic coastline is affected by a cold, west-flowing current. Interior regions of Alaska are characterized by a continental climate that is affected by powerful cold winds that originate from northwestern Canada as well as Siberia and Siberia, at the root of the frigid temperatures that prevail in these regions.
North Dakota – 41.1degF
Due to its location near the farthest point of the Midwest area of the United States, North Dakota is among the coldest regions of the continent of the United States. North Dakota experiences a continental climate, with scorching seasons and frigid winters. Be aware that North Dakota has a mostly flat landscape with little vegetation. This is an excellent opportunity for cold solid Arctic winds to flow towards the state’s south, resulting in frigid temperatures.
On average, there are fifty days below freezing during winter; the average temperatures range from 2deg in the north to 17 deg F in the south. The annual average of rain and snowfall for North Dakota is 19 inches of rain and 39 inches of snow, and 39 inches of snow. The state is estimated to have 201 days of sunshine on average. For North Dakota, the three most enjoyable months of the year are June, August, and July.
With the ever-changing snowfalls, Caribou City, Maine, ranks third among the 10 coldest cities. Maine is home to an average temperature as high as 41 degrees. Wintertime in Maine includes cold and wet weather, with heavy and substantial snowfall.
So it’s no wonder this region has an average coldest low temperature of 12 degrees F.
Much of Maine is uninhabited and inaccessible due to its brutal winters. However, the south-facing side offers milder winters. Caribou, the city in Caribou, as we mentioned previously, could record at least one inch of snowfall during almost three-quarters of the year.
Minnesota: -60degF (-51.1degC)
Minnesota is one of the states in the U.S. situated within the Upper Midwest region of the nation that borders Canada. Because of its closeness to Lake Superior in its northeastern part, Minnesota has a regulated climate. In winter, Minnesota experiences cold temperatures, generally sub-zero. It is also accompanied by freezing precipitation, ice, and snow. The northern region experiences temperatures during January that could be below -30°F (-34degC). The region is prone to temperatures that average 41.2degF (5.1degC). Ice hiking, downhill skiing, and ice skating are a few activities you can do in this area.
Wyoming (43.9 deg F)
As with the beautiful families of the West, with an average temperature of 42 degrees, Wyoming is one of the coldest states in the U.S. Winters in Wyoming are often challenging and freezing as temperatures drop lower than 15°C.
In winter, the mountains and peaks in Wyoming could receive up to 200 inches of snow, and the plains can receive around 50 inches. Also, the forecast is for wind speeds to fall between 30 and 40 frequencies, with rates of 50-60 speeds.
Montana (44.6 deg F)
Montana is home to a median temperature of 42.7degF. It is the 6th state with the coldest temperatures in the U.S. The coldest month for Montana is January, with an average temperature of 0 degrees. On January 20th, 1954, the coldest temperature recorded in Montana was -70degF.
Western Montana is similar to the Coastline, which has more mild winters than other parts of the state. However, the eastern part of the state has an arid continental climate with some more frigid winters.
Vermont: -50degF (-45.6degC) T

Vermont is among the most stunning regions of the U.S. It is home to a gorgeous town and pretty fall leaves, and it is also the place where you can find sweet maple syrup. The state is also among the coldest in position seven, with a mean temp of 43.2degF (6degC). The typical 89.25 inches of snow and frigid winds coming from the Arctic region define winter in the state. The summers are mild and warm, with average temperatures of 75degF (23.89degC) from 82degF(27.78degC).
Wisconsin is one of the most frigid cities in the U.S. It is surrounded on two sides by two elements that affect its climate. Lake Superior and Lake Michigan also cover it across two areas of the state’s border.
This is why it has an average temperature of 43.1degF. The winters in the state are known for being extended in length and are characterized by severe cold.
The northern and western regions of the state receive the average snowfall each year of 160 inches compared to other parts of the state, which can receive approximately 40 inches.
Idaho is the 9th coldest state in the U.S. It’s situated in the middle west region close to the Great Lakes, which is one of the reasons for the cold weather. On most days, the average temperature is 44 degrees Fahrenheit.
In the winter season, Idaho’s average low temperatures fall from 22degF to -2degF. The most popular winter sport in the area is dog sliding.
New Hampshire

It’s typically very relaxed during the winter months in New Hampshire during the winter. Within New Hampshire, you’ll find a humid continental climate defined by the summers being moist and warm and winters snowy and cold. When arctic winds come from Canada and the Arctic, cold fronts tend to be stronger in the northwestern regions comprising New Hampshire. Unlike the northern part of New Hampshire, the southern portion of the state is prone to warmer winters thanks to being located in the Atlantic Ocean. New Hampshire gets particularly cold and snowy. However, there are lots of enjoyable winter activities that you can enjoy. Enjoy the winter season by taking a sleigh ride on a horse or a snow tube ride!