While the app is still relatively young, Telegram is one of the most favored messaging applications in the market. It’s not surprising since Telegram offers a variety of exciting and useful features, such as spoiler tags. They allow users to avoid spoilers associated with television shows, films, or games. If you’re looking to learn how to utilize Telegram spoiler tags, you’ve arrived at the right spot. In this article, we’ll explain how to implement it for mobile and desktop versions.
How to Use Spoiler Tags in Telegram on a PC
Telegram’s new spoiler feature will let you avoid any juicy information about the show you love or film. Of course, it’s an open-ended process. When discussing material within a Telegram group, it is recommended to remove spoilers in the interest of other members.
Anyone interested in Telegram for their personal computer needs to follow these steps for together spoiler tags.
- Launch the Telegram application.
- Join the appropriate channel or group in which you would like to post messages that contain spoilers.
- Enter the message into the space provided and choose the words you want to keep secret.
- Click on the words you want to edit and select formatting from the menu on the screen.
- Select Spoilers.
- Enter the Enter to forward the message.
The words you choose are grayed out on Windows PCs and blacked out on Macs. Once you are familiar with the spoiler tag concept, it is possible to reduce the effort. Use the Ctrl + Shift + P button on Windows PCs and Cmd and Shift on Macs to activate the spoiler format.
How to Send Spoiler Messages on Telegram
Include spoiler tags to your Telegram messages to protect your contacts from news about the latest film, show, or game. Continue reading for your solution.
Option 1: Via Phone
Learn how to set up an alert for spoilers to the contents of your messages from the Telegram application on your smartphone.
- Start the Telegram application, and click on Chats from the top ribbon.
- Pick a contact or a group that you prefer.
- Input your details and then press long-press to send your message.
- Select Format, then Spoiler.
- Click on the arrow icon to transmit your spoiler messages.
Option 2: Via Desktop
It can also transmit spoiler text messages from Telegram in its desktop counterpart. Here’s how:
- Click on Telegram to open it and then the contact you want to join or on the group.
- Input your message into the text field.
- Drag and press the words you want to put spoilers on, then click right.
- Click the Blur icon from the menu of formatting options, then press Enter.
How to Use Spoiler Tags in Telegram on an iPad
The spoiler tags feature in Telegram is now available to every iPad user. Learn how to utilize this helpful opportunity:
- Launch the Telegram application.
- Locate the channel or group where you would like to post messages with spoiler tags.
- Enter the message you want to transmit and use your finger to choose those words you wish to keep secret. Make sure to ensure that you have selected the correct words.
- Select BIU from the menu that appears on the screen.
- Select Spoiler.
- Use the blue arrows to send the message. Your chosen text will appear in a blurry cloud.
Escape the Spoilers on Telegram
If you’ve not had the chance to see the most recent episodes of your favorite television show or trending movie, it’s best not to be a victim of spoilers. This isn’t easy until you decide not to think about all internet-related information. It’s good to know that Telegram offers the spoiler tag option which means you can take advantage of the app without worrying about learning something you do not wish to learn about.