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How to Fix The Internet That’s Slow Just On A Phone

    There’s nothing worse than slow internet speeds on your smartphone when you need to stream a short video or find something online. In this article, you’ll discover why your mobile Internet is extremely slow, the best way to solve slow Internet, and how you can make the speed of your data on mobile quicker. If you’re running Android or iOS, we’ve also created a customized software program that you can install to boost the speed of your mobile’s Internet.

    Fast Internet, but Slow Phone

    There are many reasons why your internet speed may become slow on your smartphone but not on your computer or television.

    Here are the top frequently asked questions and the solutions to every problem.

    Too Many Active Tabs or Apps

    Too many applications or tabs in the browser could lead to a slower internet connection. It is due to your device’s attempts to connect to the various servers hosting the different web pages.

    Whatever the speed of your data plan and your data plan, if you load your internet browser with too much data, then a slow internet connection will be guaranteed.


    Shut down all apps and tabs that you are not currently using. If possible, cleanse the cache, too. Then, restart your browser.

    Bad Connection

    It could be that your smartphone displays only one or zero bars whenever you’re experiencing issues accessing the Internet. This is a sign that you’re receiving poor service. When it happens, you’ll be unable to connect to the Internet regardless of how strong your data plan is. This is particularly the case if you’re in a remote location or trying to join a public network along with other users who are trying similar things.


    If you’re in an isolated region, you should wait until you return to the city before attempting to connect to the Internet. In areas that have public bandwidth, Try to locate another network that fewer users connect to.

    Too Much Cache

    The average cache won’t cause problems for smartphones. But if it’s been a long time since you removed it, the information it holds will dramatically speed up loading times. If your cache is overloaded, it can slow down your device, and your experience online could be hampered.


    Clearing out your cache, or at the very least clearing your browser’s cache, will help speed up the performance of your Internet if this was the source of your initial issue.

    Network Setting Issues

    In some cases, network configuration may slow down the Internet for certain devices. It is possible to configure the settings to result in an unreliable connection.


    The only method to solve this problem is to reset the network configuration. This is how to reset your network configuration on both Android and iOS devices.

    For iOS

    • Go to “Settings,” then “General.”
    • Scroll to the bottom, click “Transfer or Reset iPhone,” pressReset,” and tap the “Reset” button.
    • Hit “Reset Network Settings.”
    • Log in with your username and password, then tap “Reset Network Settings” again.

    For Android

    • Go to the “Settings.”
    • Depending on your Android device, go to and navigate to the “System” or “General Management” sections.
    • Navigate to “Reset.
    • Click “Reset options” or “Reset network settings.”
    • Press “Reset WiFi, mobile, and Bluetooth.”
    • Click “Reset settings” to confirm.

    Being Too Far From the Router

    Laptops generally have better reception than mobile phones. If your smartphone experiences a slow connection to the Internet while your computer works perfectly, be sure to check that you’re not away from your router.


    Find a method to move closer to your router, or buy an extender for your router to ensure that the WiFi signal will connect to your smartphone and provide an efficient connection.

    VPN or Antivirus

    If you’re running VPN or antivirus software on your smartphone, your internet connection speed has decreased.


    When you have to utilize the application, shut off your VPN or change to the most efficient network to improve your Internet speed.

    If you are using an antivirus program, turn the security off for a few minutes to see if it fixes the problem. Suppose it doesn’t consider switching to a different antivirus program that doesn’t slow your web browsing.

    Outdated Phone

    Suppose neither of the causes given above can fix your issue. In that case, it could be using an old handset that can’t cope with the latest specifications for hardware and software to ensure unreliable internet connectivity.


    Think about replacing your smartphone with a more modern one.

    Pro Tip. Before you make a new purchase, test whether this could be the issue by putting your SIM card into a family member’s or friend’s smartphone and testing the connection to the Internet. If everything is working well, then the issue is within your phone, and you’ll need to consult a specialist to check the problem. If they find no need to fix it and you’re unable to, the best option is to buy a brand-new one.

    Why Is My Phone’s Internet So Slow? Now You Understand

    You can see many reasons why your mobile internet speed isn’t as fast. The good news is that most problems are relatively easy to address. Most of them are caused by issues that are related to your hardware. So, it’s possible to modify your router to solve the problem on all your devices.

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