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How to Block Sprint Family Locator on Android

    Every mobile application or service that can help protect your family can be a positive thing. If the service affects their privacy and can lead to miscommunications, the situation isn’t as rosy. As with all services that are similar to this, care has been taken to warrant that users are completely aware of its restrictions.

    Sprint Family Locator and apps similar to it serve as vital parts of families. They benefit kids by making them more active than they would otherwise and giving parents a chance to take a break when their children are in the playground. However, this is not a panacea that fixes everything. One must be aware of its flaws to achieve the desirable possible results.

    How to Disable Sprint Family Locator?

    There might be multiple ways to achieve this. In the same way, none of them have to work. We also provide the desirable two choices for what we have discussed. It is possible to use both of them for your task. Each solution is simple to use and won’t take all of your time. Therefore, let’s test this out.

    By Turning off the GPS or Location.
    In order to remove Updates from the Settings, you must uninstall to remove the “Sprint Family Locator” will be removed from the Settings.

    Uninstall the Sprint Family Locator

    Another excellent method to disable from together the Sprint Family Locator is to remove the Sprint Family locator on your device.

    Navigate to the Settings on your device.
    Click on App Management, after which tap on the App list.
    Locate and then tap to open the Sprint Family Locator app.
    Tap on Uninstall.
    Lastly, tap on OK.


    1. From the Location menu, click App Permissions to access the location (or App Permissions on a Samsung device).

    2. Choose the application for which you would like to alter permissions to access the location. Select any of the following options:

    All the time, that allows the app to monitor your location continuously
    You can only allow this to be done in the app to be used with the app. This is a restriction on location tracking for apps.
    Every time you open the app, it will force the app to request to keep track of your position.
    Please do not allow this, as it blocks all tracking of the app.

    3. Switch off Using an exact location to warrant that the app doesn’t keep track of your precise location.

    When using the Samsung device, you can turn off the precise location globally by choosing Google Location Accuracy and then turning off the Improve Location Accuracy switch.

    What exactly does Sprint Family Locator lack?

    Once you are aware of what Sprint family locator works You can utilize it to monitor the location of family members. Although it is able to be used as a family location tool however, it is not equipped with the options that parents need to access. Here are some essential parental control features and monitoring tools available in Sprint Family Locator does not have. Sprint Family Locator app lacks.

    There is no way to control how your children are using their gadgets.
    There’s no way to stop any application for the targeted iOS and Android phones.
    There is no built-in material filtering function.
    It isn’t possible to block websites or apps which you believe your children aren’t allowed to use.
    The device isn’t able to set a screen timer for the device or any other application.

    Disable tracker location from Android devices

    If you do not feel the need to prevent Google from recording all of your tasks and just want to block the phone from recording, your position is accessible in the event that you are paying attention to these specifics:

    From the top to reveal your Quick Settings menu, and press long-press the Location icon — or swipe downwards to tap the Settings icon and select the Location option.
    This is the location page. If you’re with a Pixel, switch off the Use Location feature on the top. If you’re together the Galaxy switch the feature between On and Off.

    It’s logical to think that’s the case. However, you’re mistaken. What’s meant by using the location feature in Android is dependent on the sensors that follow the position of the device. Other than GPS or GPS, it may be mobile networks, Wi-Fi, as well as other sensors. When you exit this page, search to the left for the location services icon and click on it.

    What Is the Best App for Tracking My Child?

    Android Family Tracker. The ability to monitor locations and observe the surroundings of your children is a must-have device for parents.

    Can I Track My Phone If Someone Changed the SIM card?

    Yes. It’s possible to utilize an IMEI number to sign up each phone with the ability to follow your phone should the SIM card be changed. If your Google or Apple accounts remain connected to the internet and your phone’s location feature remains active, then you can monitor the phone.

    Can I Track My Phone If Someone Made a Factory Reset?

    You cannot track once a device has been reset. The location service must be switched on for the tracking function to be effective, and it defaults to off following an unreset. However, some tracking apps utilize the IMEI numbers to locate your mobile. However, it’s not possible to do it on our own.

    Is There a Free Family Tracker?

    Yes. Google Family Link is an absolutely free app that can be used to track locations, but in the supervision of other online activities. But, the app’s location monitoring isn’t as effective as other family-oriented location monitoring apps.

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